Saturday, September 27, 2008

Oh, and some more photos

"traffic" was taken when I was returning the rental car, last week. (FYI, the bastards refused to reschedule or refund my money, so I reported them to my credit card company, contesting the charge on the grounds that they didn't deliver the service or disclose the terms. We'll see what happens.)

"battersea" is the power station, which is actually quite beautiful now that it's not choking London with coal smoke. Normally closed to the public, they're talking about turning it into high-end residences so they let everyone tour it one day. (With the current housing market, I'm sure the plans will be scrapped.)

"electric_car" is just that. It's top speed is 50mph, it only goes 60 mph on a charge, and it makes the "Smartcar" looking positively roomy. But it's a perfect commuter car for London, and between the cost of gas, parking, and the congestion charge (none of whch you have to pay for), I don't understand why everyone doesn't have one.

"millenium_bridge" is a footbridge across the Thames, built in 2000, hence the name. (Jess told me it was originally built as a swaying bridge, but so many people got sick, they stiffened it a bit.) That's St Paul's in the background.

"merlyn1" is the hotel I'm staying at, and "merlyn2" is my room in the basement. Google maps, if you want to find me. So far no luck finding more permanent digs.

"lion1" is at the base of Trafalgar Square. I took this today; it's been a month since I've seen the sun, and I was quite excited.

"sherlock_holmes" is a nighttime shot of the museum at 221B Baker Street, which is sandwiched between 235 and 239 Baker Street. I read it's the only museum in the world dedicated to a fictional character. (And 221B was not a real address, so obviously they took some liberties when creating the museum.)

"london_skyline" is the London Eye ferris wheel, Westminster (houses of Parliament, the equivalent of our Congress), and Big Ben.

"fireworks1" is the end of the Thames festival, a couple of weeks ago. They launched them from boats, and we watched from bridges.

"warwick1" (the second "w" is silent, of course) is Warwick Castle -- not bad from a crappy cell phone. I took it during a break in the rain.

"trebuchet2" is also at Warwick Castle, and is purported to be the largest in the world. It works just like a catapult, except it swings the payload at the end, adding extra "oomph." They threw a 200-pound fireball, but it was raining so hard that the fire was immediately extinguished. :-(

"haircut" is, well, let's just say, "where else but Britain?"

"police_box" is for any Doctor Who fans out there.

And "jess" is the best photo I have of her, sorry. (It is also an excellent demonstration of the "two-fingered salute" I mentioned yesterday...)

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