Friday, April 3, 2009

Comfort food

My brother was in LA this week, taking his kids to some of the places our dad took us. You have to understand two things about my dad, though: He didn't have any money, and he loved to drive.  As a result, we used to go all over for cheap food..  Of course, this is now comfort food to me, even as I would never go back to most of these places.
(Before it got trendy, when it was attached to a bowling alley)
Of course, there were many places that I don't even remember the name, and could never hope to find pictures of.  He kept a large crock pot in the car, and would often pick up egg drop soup on his way home.  Near his work was a Mexican stand that made the best taquitos.  And near church was a home improvement store that we would invariably stop at every Sunday, and the only thing that made it tolerable was the hot dog stand outside.  I can remember waiting in the car, listening to Chuck Cecil on KFI playing "The Swinging Years."  I hated it then, but of course I love it now.  (And amazingly, 30 years on, Chuck Cecil is still at it.)

My dad also loved The Magic Cork in Bellflower, which was a 90 mile round-trip from our house, but the food was incredibly cheap, and quite good. (I remember a sign on the table that said, "Our steaks have gristle.") He would also drive to Redondo Beach Pier for a $10 lobster dinner that my brother and I would share, and he introduced me to shawarmas, which I thought were the greatest food on earth.

Of course, there were some places my parents liked that I was not a fan of...
I was never a fan of Tommy's or In-n-Out. The Pantry, downtown, is also disgusting. I guess if I have any regrets, it's not visiting Roscoe's Chicken 'N Waffles before I went vegetarian, as that place is legendary.

Ironically, Philippes is where I went vegetarian, back in 2002 or so.  I had (accidentally on purpose) not eaten meat in about six months, but had no intention of going vegetarian, and was quite looking forward to a lamb sandwich covered in mustard.  One bite, though, and I realized I no longer had any interest in meat, and haven't touched it since.

Thanks to "LA Time Machine" for several of these photos, and lots of memories.

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