Monday, May 25, 2009


It was with no small amount of irony that I disembarked from a British Airways flight this morning, exactly one year to the day after I moved here. The difference, of course, was that now I had a home, a job, friends, and Jessica. I didn't feel stressed or confused, and I wasn't lugging everything I owned in three large suitcases. I just had a small carry-on after spending the weekend with my aunt and uncle in Georgia.

Looking through my diary from a year ago, my first month is filled with scintillating entries such as: Buy voltage converter, unlock cell phone, and open bank account. There was nothing romantic, hopeful, or even whimsical. (There was one entry that read, “Explore Notting Hill/Camden,” but even that was just a practical task in search of permanent housing.) Reading it, one would think I moved here because I was bored.

But the reality is that I came here to explore, to learn, and to have fun. I could have stayed in Los Angeles and been comfortable and successful, but that wasn't enough. I wanted to stretch myself, and that is exactly what I've done. I had a lot of lessons to learn, but now that I've achieved the basics, I feel like I can finally get started. The UK is a very small place, but the whole world is practically within my grasp. I just need to stretch a little more.

And so, getting off the plane this morning, I thought to myself: It's good to be home.

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