Monday, March 14, 2011

We accidentally gutted the house

Seriously, we've only left two interior walls standing. I'm not quite sure how that happened--it certainly wasn't the intent! We were only going to take out the kitchen wall, but the builder decided the wall in the hallway (which already had a filled-in doorway) wasn't very stable, so he took that down as well.

Then we found the 'new' kitchen window, which meant we had to fill in the kitchen door (for more cabinet space), which meant the hallway was just a path to the downstairs bathroom, so we decided to convert the it into a large 'utility room' and took out that wall.

Then we decided, rather than have a small hallway with a couple of doors, we'd just remove the door to the living room (and the wall it was on). So right now, there's only half a wall left downstairs.

Upstairs, of course, we needed to move the bathroom wall about 6 inches if we ever wanted (read: can afford) to put stairs into the loft, so we took that down. Now you can sit on the toilet and look down the stairs! Then the builder discovered the wall in the small bedroom wasn't very sturdy, so we're probably going to take that out as well.

So that only leaves the wall between the two big bedrooms, and one of the bathroom walls, standing. Oh, and we took out the chimney breasts while we were at it, so it looks like we took out those walls as well, since they are just covered in rubble brick at the moment.

The funny part is that we've completely gutted the house simply to avoid asking for planning permission for an extension.

Hopefully by the end of this week the builder will have stud walls back up, and in two weeks time the plasterer can start making it look like a real house again. Right now it looks like Barbie's Remodel Nightmare. Ken is probably in the hospital after having fallen off the toilet and down the stairs.

Oh, and did I mention we still have no idea what's going on with the plumbing?

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