Thursday, November 10, 2011

Where have I been?

That's a very good question.  I'm not sure I have a good answer.  It *feels* like I've been really busy, though.

Over the past six weeks, I've had some friends move from Los Angeles to London, although it took me three weeks to actually meet up with them.  I attended High Holy Days at my new synagogue.  I spent a week in Wolverhampton at a training course -- the class was interesting, but Wolverhampton wasn't.  I had tea at Cliveden House, gone to a couple of plays, a couple of movies. I didn't do anything for Halloween.  I think I went to the gym once.

Tomorrow I'm flying to South Africa for 10 days, which is cool -- seriously, it's about 21C (70F), much lower than the November average of 25C (77F), but still warmer than England!  When I get back, I have to go back to Wolverhampton for another week of training -- this time I'm driving, partly so I'm not stuck at the hotel every evening, but mostly because the plane from South Africa lands at 6:30am, and training starts at 9am the same day!  In December I'm hoping to go back to the States to see my family, and may be attending Limmud, a week-long Jewish educational conference that sounds very interesting.  (However, I'm not likely to get time off from work to do both.)

At the end of December, two more friends are moving from New York to London, although they have a new baby so I'm not sure how much I'll get to see of them.  And then it's New Years and I have absolutely no plans after that. :-)

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