Thursday, December 20, 2012

Inquire vs Enquire

I've never been sure of the correct usage of 'enquire' so I finally looked it up...and it turns out it's only relevant in Britain, as "enquire" is rarely used in American English.

According to the Oxford dictionary:

The traditional that enquire is used for general senses of 'ask' while inquire is reserved for uses meaning 'make a formal investigation'. In all senses inquire and inquiry are the more usual forms in US English, whereas enquire and enquiry are chiefly restricted to British English.

I think "chiefly" is also chiefly British...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy Hanukkah

The bible defines five holidays: rosh hashana, yom kippur, pesach (passover), shavuot, and sukkot. So where did hanukkah come from?

According to the Bible, when the Jews settled in Canaan (now Israel) the first task was to build a temple to hold the Ark of the Covenant (of Indiana Jones fame), and lit an "eternal flame" that was never extinguished. After David (of Goliath fame) united Israel (Judea), his son Solomon (of wisdom fame) built the second Temple.

In 175 BCE, Judea was under the control of Syria but had religious freedom.  Unfortunately it was also involved in a civil war between the Hellenizing Jews, who wanted to be like the Greeks, and the Ptolemaic Jews, who wanted to be like the Egyptians.  The Hellenizing Jews were expelled, so they invited the king of Syria to intervene.  Unfortunately the king went a little further than expected, captured Jerusalem, outlawed Judaism, ordered an altar to Zeus be erected in the Temple and called for pigs to be sacrificed there.

The Jews, who were never good subjects (just ask the Pharaoh), revolted.  Mattityahu, a high priest, and his five sons led a rebellion which took two years but was ultimately successful.  Judah Maccabee ('Judah the hammer') ordered the Temple to be cleansed, a new altar built, and the eternal light to be lit.  However, they found only enough consecrated oil to last one day, and it would take eight days to press new oil.  Miraculously, the oil lasted eight days, and this 8-day period is celebrated as Hanukkah.

However, as my rabbi pointed out, the real miracle was that a tiny little country was able to win its freedom against one of the greatest empires in history, and by comparison celebrating oil burning for eight days just seems ridiculous.

That said, a 'festival of lights' during the winter is common to many cultures, and the 'hannukiah' (the 9-branched candelabra) is supposed to be displayed in a front window to reinforce the Jewish 'differenceness' that has kept the culture alive for over four millennia.

Independence lasted until 63BCE, when the Romans conquered Israel.  The Jews rebelled against them three times.  In the first (66-70CE), a group of Jews holed up in Masada, on a mountain, for two years while the Romans laid siege and finally built a massive earthworks to breech the walls.  (The Jews, known as Zealots, killed themselves rather than be captured.)  In retaliation, the Romans destroyed the second Temple; the remains still stand as the Western Wall.

In the third rebellion (132–136 CE), Simon Bar Kokhba established an independent state of Israel for two years, but the Romans sent six legions (30,000 soldiers!) to crush it, and then barred Jews from Jerusalem.  Another effect is that as the Christians did not support the rebellion, Romans began to consider Christianity separate from Judaism.  (Until then, Christianity was considered a sect of Judaism.)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012


If you're wondering why I converted to religion, check out this cartoon and you'll understand.  For those with a short attention span, I'll transcribe the relevant bit at the end:

Would you kill for your religion?
Would you hurt, hinder, or condemn in the name of your God?
Then you probably suck at your religion.
You should give it up.
Maybe take up windsurfing or ping pong instead.
However, does your religion inspire you to help people?
Does it make you happier?
Does it help you cope with the fact that you are a bag of meat sitting on a rock in outer space and that someday you will die and you are completely powerless, helpless, and insignificant in the wake of this beautiful cosmic shitstorm we call existence?
Does it help with that?
Carry on with your religion!
Just keep it to your fucking self.