Sunday, December 2, 2012


If you're wondering why I converted to religion, check out this cartoon and you'll understand.  For those with a short attention span, I'll transcribe the relevant bit at the end:

Would you kill for your religion?
Would you hurt, hinder, or condemn in the name of your God?
Then you probably suck at your religion.
You should give it up.
Maybe take up windsurfing or ping pong instead.
However, does your religion inspire you to help people?
Does it make you happier?
Does it help you cope with the fact that you are a bag of meat sitting on a rock in outer space and that someday you will die and you are completely powerless, helpless, and insignificant in the wake of this beautiful cosmic shitstorm we call existence?
Does it help with that?
Carry on with your religion!
Just keep it to your fucking self.

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