Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Where does all the money go

22.5% tax
19% home (15% rent, 2% taxes, 2% utilities)
10% loan repayment
8% pension (similar to 401k)
6% National Insurance (similar to social security)
6.3% transportation (5% auto and 1.3% public transport, although some of this was for business travel which I was reimbursed for)
5.8% entertainment (including dining and dating)
5.3% travel (including Atlanta, Edinburgh, Italy, California, Glasgow, Chester, Ireland)
4% cash
3.5% savings
3% groceries
2.0% health (including gym, medicine, vitamins, and therapist)
1.3% credit card interest
1% clothes
0.5% mobile phone
0.3% charity
1.5% other

I've got a new goal to increase charity to 5% and savings to 20%, but not sure what I want to cut. Maybe it's time I started looking for a new job with a bigger salary...

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