Thursday, February 5, 2015

The remains of the day

The movers were supposed to arrive at 730, but they didn't show up until 915. Thank goodness! We were up at 6am, scrambling around trying to finish packing. The rumpus room, cleaned two days ago for the photographer, was again a rat's nest. The office wasn't finished, the pantry was untouched, and while I had boxed the "non-essential" kitchen items, there was still a heck of a lot of "essential" items.

Fortunately we only had one child underfoot--one was at school camp and the other spent the previous night with a friend who lived near the school, so we didn't have to drive an hour and a half to take her to school that morning. (We'd already done it twice.) The third child has a "sensitive disposition" which is PC for "worry wart." He worries about everything, and so trying to deal with moving to a new house (that he hadn't even seen!) in a new neighborhood and a new school was a bit much, and he spent a good deal of the morning hiding in his closet.

Taking advantage of the movers' delay--and no longer worrying about whether or not something should be packed or discarded--we made good progress, and things were starting to look up when the movers arrived. (I say 'arrived' but they actually got lost, and I had to go find them and lead them back.) We gave them a quick tour and the boss said we'd need a second truck.

This was after we'd just spent two months thinning it down!! But of course he was right; we actually filled both trucks and had quite a few things left over (including the kayaks, the entertainment centre and a desk). Imagine if we hadn't gotten rid of so much stuff. :-(

The movers were great, even though the second truck--and two extra men--meant we spent almost twice as much as we had hoped. However, it needed to be done, and nobody else would have been cheaper, so we were happy to have had it finished in one day. And what a day--after getting only 4 hours sleep the night before, we finished unpacking the trucks at 530pm, then I had to set up three beds! We had Domino's pizza for dinner (they are only 2 minutes away!) and got to bed around midnight.

I had also been responsible for moving the cat. I put her in the cat carrier, but she was meaning so much that I let her out, hoping she would lie down in her bed. Instead she climbed in my lap, while I was driving, and refused to budge! Thank goodness we didn't have an accident, but being with the cat set off an asthma attack, rendering me almost useless.

So now we're just going through the mundane task of unpacking and putting our lives back together. Both kids are happy with the house--the third one gets back from camp tomorrow--which is the most important thing.

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