Sunday, August 23, 2020

Fish tank - 3 weeks

Four neons died when I introduced them into the tank*, but the other six have been going strong, along with 3 black skirts and an angelfish named "Gizmo."** The plants are growing and I'm getting ready to introduce some more fish. I'm quite happy with it.

* One was a freak accident: The "lid" that came with the tank was just two pieces of mismatched glass that didn't fit, so I went to a glass company and had one piece made and one piece cut down. While it was off the tank, one of the neons - who aren't known for jumping - jumped out of the tank! But he landed on the other piece of glass so all he had to do was wriggle himself just a little bit and he would have fallen back in the tank. He didn't do that. :'(

** Gizmo was from a joke I made: I told the kids to not expose the fish to bright light, never feed them after midnight, and above all, never, ever let them get wet. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Prostate exam

My uncle used to love to say to me, "I knew there was a problem with my prostate exam when I felt the doctor's hands on my shoulders."

In the US, general advice (assuming you have medical insurance) is for men to have a rectal prostate exam starting at age 40. I left the US when I was 38.

In the UK, general guidance is to have your first rectal prostate exam at 45. I left the UK when I was 44.

In New Zealand, general guidance is to have your first rectal prostate exam at 50. I just turned 50 last November. It seemed extreme to flee the country just to avoid being probed.

And I'm happy to report my prostate is "symmetrical and soft" and, more importantly, the doctor did not put his hands on my shoulders at any point. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Today I crossed the Brimley/Cocoon Line:
