Sunday, August 23, 2020

Fish tank - 3 weeks

Four neons died when I introduced them into the tank*, but the other six have been going strong, along with 3 black skirts and an angelfish named "Gizmo."** The plants are growing and I'm getting ready to introduce some more fish. I'm quite happy with it.

* One was a freak accident: The "lid" that came with the tank was just two pieces of mismatched glass that didn't fit, so I went to a glass company and had one piece made and one piece cut down. While it was off the tank, one of the neons - who aren't known for jumping - jumped out of the tank! But he landed on the other piece of glass so all he had to do was wriggle himself just a little bit and he would have fallen back in the tank. He didn't do that. :'(

** Gizmo was from a joke I made: I told the kids to not expose the fish to bright light, never feed them after midnight, and above all, never, ever let them get wet. 

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