Monday, September 14, 2020

Fish tank, week 6

It would help if I would use a consistent format...

I have 5 neons, 3 black skirts, 5 pearl danios, Gizmo the angelfish and a Siamese algae eater named "Ali G" (get it?).

I had a bit of a scare earlier this week - the larger black skirt was looking bloated and sitting at the bottom of the tank while the two smaller ones were hassling it. However, the next day all was fine. I suspect the larger one is a female and she was ready to release eggs, and the smaller ones are males who were looking to fertilise said eggs. I think she laid her eggs at night, which were probably a treat for everyone else. In my youth I would have immediately thrown her into quarantine and treated the tank. Now I just couldn't be bothered.

My next project is building a chicken coop. (Or, to be more accurate, a mobile chicken coop.) Watch this space...

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