Sunday, August 1, 2010

Honey mangoes

There are literally hundreds of different types of mangoes but -- like so many things these days -- the ones that are commercially available are selected by productivity and shelf life, not by taste.  That is why one type dominates 80% of the market.  Which is unfortunate, because it doesn't taste very good.

The honey (or Pakistani) mango, by contrast, has an amazing taste, but is not very productive (it only fruits in May and June) and has a terrible shelf life -- at its peak it is soft and juicy, but after a few days it gets wrinkley and the fruit starts fermenting in its skin.  I presume that is why, although it is shipped everywhere in Europe, I've never seen it in the States.

So add 'honey mangoes' to your bucket list, and while I'm not saying you should make a trip abroad just to try one, keep it in mind.  In the meantime, the best way to serve ordinary mangoes is to barbecue them, flesh side down, until black and crispy, then slice and sprinkle with lime juice.

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