Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Do you remember

Do you remember the Assyrians, and their god, Assur?
Do you remember the Babylonians, and their god, Marduk?
Do you remember the Akkadians, and their god, Ishtar?
Do you remember the Sumerians, and their god, An?
Do you remember the Urim, and their god, Sin?
Do you remember the Elamites, and their goddess, Kiririsha?
Do you remember the Ammonites, and their god, Molech?
Do you remember the Canaanites, and their god, Ba'al?
Do you remember the Moabites, and their god, Chemosh?
Do you remember the Hittites, and their goddess, Asherah?
Do you remember the Jebusites, and their god, Zedek?
Do you remember the Amorites, and their god, Dagon?
Do you remember the Edomites, and their god, Kaus?
Do you remember the Phoenicians, and their god, El?
Do you remember the Nabataeans, and their god, Dushara?
Do you remember the Jews, and their god, Jehovah?

In the UK there are an estimated 300,000 Jews, out of 60,000,000 people.  That's one-half of one percent.  Worldwide Jews make up one-fourth of one percent of the population. They were slaves, nomads, conquered by a dozen empires, and dispersed throughout the world.  By all accounts, they should have been a small footnote in history, forgotten with the rest of the tribes of their time. They were not the first monotheistic religion, but they were the first to establish a personal relationship with God, and instead of being a footnote, they spawned two other religions which today encompass two-thirds of the world.

That is the power of an idea.

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