Friday, September 24, 2010

Separation anxiety

Three months ago, I lauded over my new smartphone, which had quickly ingratiated itself in my life and became indispensable.  6 weeks ago, however, it started rebooting randomly.  Two weeks ago, it started going into a reboot cycle, requiring me to actually remove the battery to resolve it.  Yesterday it was completely useless the entire day, which made me finally have to face facts: My friend was sick, and needed more care than I could give it.

So this morning, with great hesitation and trepidation, I carefully wrapped it--twice--and handed it over to the UPS man, making him promise to take good care of it.  Of course, I still have my crappy Nokia (pronounced 'knock-yuh' in the UK) work phone, plus a cheap phone I bought for visitors, so it's not like I'll be out of touch, or even off the Internet--but it's very hard to go back to 'basic' communciation.  I want my calendar, to do lists, and notes.  I want my tube map and live departures, my BBC news, my yelp.  I want my soft keyboard that figures out what I'm trying to say, even when I type 'f;sdd'.  I even want the chess program I haven't been able to master.

But most of all, I want to go back to complaining about what it couldn't do for me, like Skype over wi-fi, visual voicemail, or an up-to-date, off-line list of financial transactions both in the US and UK.  Was that really too much to ask?

Godspeed, little android.  Get better, and come back soon.

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