Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another whirlwind visit

In my company, my group gets rented out to the other divisions.  Unfortunately, the project I was on wanted my time but didn't want to pay for it, leading to a bit of tug-of-war with me in the middle. The result was I had a ton of work, but was ordered not to work on it!

That was fine by me-I get paid the same regardless-and thanks to Jess I was able to make short, spur-of-the moment visits to my family. In July I gave my mom 2 days' notice before flying to California, and last week I gave my uncle 1 days' notice before flying to Atlanta.

Both trips were only 4 days, as I didn't want to take too much time off. Trying to deal with jet lag is not easy, but I cope by staying awake on the way out, and knocking myself out on the way back. Yesterday, I arrived at Heathrow at 10am, went home for a change of clothes, went into the office, then after work visited a friend in the hospital, not getting home until almost 11pm. (We'll ignore the hour I spent lost because my SatNav thought I should drive through a public park.) It was a very long day.

On the bright side, at least this time I didn't miss the flight.

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