Wednesday, December 1, 2010

London is beautiful

The snow, which has shut down most of the UK over the past 4 days, finally came to London.  Of course, I'm watching it on TV -- I'm not crazy enough to actually go outside!  The thermometer is not expected to go much above freezing for the rest of the week.

But even through the window, the city really comes into its own, with large gossamer flakes blowing lazily about, giving the city a clean, white sheen.  I know at some point I will have to venture out, but I will be prepared--thermal underwear, multiple layers, a warm coat and scarf, possibly even a hat.  Fortunately, the Indian takeaway is just a block away.

Winter in England is not like New England -- snow is usually fairly mild, it rarely gets below freezing, and when there is heavy snow, most people have the good sense to stay home.  Last year, the heavy snow caught the local councils off guard, and they did not have enough salt to grit the roads.  This year, they assure us that won't be a problem, but it is a worying start to winter--snow hasn't fallen in November in 29 years.

The Met Office has predicted a 'dry and mild winter' -- but then again, they said the same thing last year, which turned out to be one of the coldest winters on record.

Winter officially starts tomorrow.

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