Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bosworth kitchen

Had a play with the Ikea kitchen planner.  Actually, I've had a lot of plays over the past month -- first we were doing a galley kitchen with an island, then we were replacing the door with a window and doing a "U" shaped kitchen, then we got rid of the island entirely and made an "L" shaped kitchen.  I'm still waiting for the structural engineer to tell me we can actually do this (it involves installing a 10-foot reinforced steel beam) but I'm quite hopeful.  It's not going to have a lot of storage, but it's 50% more than we currently have, plus a decent refrigerator and a dishwasher! :-)

Before you ask:
  • The washing machine will be built-in; the Ikea planner just didn't allow that
  • It will be a 'sage' color, not that particular shade of sick
  • The floor in the dining area is currently white carpet, and I thought black tile would be a nice contrast.  However, Jess pointed out the patio doors will leave two large gaps in the carpeting, so it looks like we'll have to remove that, anyway.  If so, we'll probably lay down an engineereed wood floor.
  • The refrigerator, at 28 inches wide, is described as "American style" because it is so big.  However, true American style fridges are 35 inches wide (and called "French door" refrigerators).
It is incredible the amount of effort and planning that has to go into even a small remodel like this.

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