Monday, June 13, 2011


Jess has cursed me. In addition to teaching me to play "Spot the American," she also introduced me to the word "awesome."

Not the word from my childhood meaning "great," but a highly derogatory term that only Americans use. And they use it often. To describe everything.

This one word manages to capture every stereotype about Americans as plebeians completely lacking in taste, culture, or in fact synonyms. Plebeian, by the way, means ignorant.

American culture is like a drug that everyone is taking -- it seems completely natural until you stop taking it. Step outside and you recognize just how hollow and ridiculous it is. Consider this: Modern communication tools are empowering people everywhere to connect with the rest of the world...except America, who don't see any value in engaging their neighbors, never mind the world.

So go up to anyone in England and ask what they think of Americans, and they will probably tell you (with a very harsh accent) "they're awesome!" And they don't mean "great."

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