Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 in review

Honestly, I'd like to pretend this year never happened. My primary accomplishment, after spending three years convincing Jess to marry me, was to leave her. My therapist thinks I'm nuts.

Yhe year started with me getting a painful lesson in the UK house buying process, which finally concluded end of February. Then we spent two months gutting the house--that wasn't the plan, of course, but as we moved from room to room stripping layers of wallpaper, we found the walls were crumbling beneath. In the end, we replaced every interior wall except one!

Fortunately our contractor was an absolute dream, and in 8 weeks the house was put back together--with new bathrooms, a new kitchen, new plumbing, new heating, new electrical, new flooring, new windows, and a new patio door--and we moved in end of April. Now whether it was the stress of the renovation, or just underlying issues, Jess and I were hardly speaking, and I finally realized it was always going to be like this, every little argument spinning out of control, and I couldn't live that way.  So I moved out three weeks after we'd moved in.  (You can draw a lot of comparisons to the B&B, but don't.)

I spent a couple of weeks back at the hotel where I started, and two weeks in the States, just trying to figure out what was next. I didn't want to leave England--I only have two more years to get my "indefinite leave to remain" (equivalent of a green card) and if I leave now, the new immigration rules would prevent me from ever moving back!

But I also didn't want to be in London--too many memories, I guess, plus my work didn't require me to be in London, so paying London rents was crazy.  I looked at a map and Reading (pronounced "Redd-ing") seemed like a good alternative. I rented a flat overlooking a park and the Thames river, and moved in 21 July.

I was actually afraid to leave London, worried I was going to feel lonely and isolated. To counter that, I got a fish tank and started dating online. I met a lot of people, except none of them lived in Reading! I was driving an hour each way for every date! After a month of that nonsense, I started dating one girl exclusively. She lived in north London, not too far from Jess. And she was a South African Jew, just like Jess. And everyone who saw her told me how much she looked like Jess.  I didn't see it at all.

We dated for about three months, had a lovely trip to Cape Town, and she was present at my conversion, and though I quite liked her, I really didn't see the relationship going anywhere. We split just before Christmas, which was kind of a stupid time to break up. I plan to start dating again in the new year, and will try to be a little more discriminating, at least about location.

I was hoping to visit my family over the holidays, but airline prices were sky high (excuse the pun).  Since I already had the time off, though, I looked at a map to see how far my frequent flier miles would get me, and that turned out to be...Prague. I went with a jaded (and naive) American belief about all Communist countries--drilled into me from an early age--and I couldn't have been more wrong. I think it was the prettiest city I've ever been to. Four days wasn't nearly enough, and I will definitely be back. (Hopefully next time with someone else, or at least my good camera!)

Ironically, I'm spending New Years back at the hotel where this all started--the owner has become a very good friend--and I may brave central London to see the New Year's parade tomorrow. 

Plans for 2012 include a trip back to visit my family soon, plus my cousin is wants me to come to South Carolina for her daughter's wedding in April. I will try to visit Ireland and see my friend Kim in Amsterdam, both three years overdue. Also, for whatever reason, the sun has an 11-year-cycle which means 2012 will have an unusual amount of solar flares, so I will try to finally see the Northern Lights.  (5 weeks of holiday is fantastic!)

I'm also starting to get involved with my synagogue, and meeting people that way. (I would probably get even more involved if it weren't half an hour away.)  Financially, I should be out of debt by July and my job is going well, and the company seems stable, so probably no changes there.  I have one pair of tickets to the paralympics, and none to the Olympics, so that is going to be a washout. (At least I'm not living in London, so won't have to deal with all the tourists.)  I have a vague and ongoing resolution to lose weight and reduce my carbohydrates.

I also know two couples who recently moved to London, doubling the number of friends I have here!

So that's my 2011 in a nutshell.  Now I just need to put this to music and puppets...

Happy new year!

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