Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day one

Day one in Prague, not in my life.  I'm not sure if the public transport is free on Christmas eve, or if I've already committed my first criminal act. I should probably find out where the American embassy is. Just in case.
My hotel is a concrete monument to 40 years of Communist rule, now painted pink and green a la Miami Vice. Bare bulbs would be an upgrade, the view is of the building across the street, and the only thing thinner than the mattress is the carpet. For £24/night, I wasn't expecting much, but I love it! Not only does it ooze character, but it also has a massive radiator, free WiFi, Free breakfast, and a private bathroom! (Odd they did not mention that on the web site.)  This is much better than my austerity measures planned for.
Also unexpectedly, all of the restaurants have vegetarian options! Unfortunately, it being Christmas eve, most of them are closed, and the few that are open have a set menu that is pretty consistent: Wild boar or hare pate, beef goulash soup, and a fish main.
I had pizza.
Walking around town, though, is magical. It's cold with an intermittent drizzle, but sadly no snow. The streets are mostly deserted, with more people in the touristy area. Someone at Heathrow told me that in Europe, Christmas is Christmas eve, meaning that's when everyone gathers for family meals.  I'm hopeful I can find a midnight mass to attend.
And I'm hopeful I can find my way back to the hotel!

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