Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I haven't written, only because there is too much to write about!  I want to talk about the castle, Old-New synagogue, Wenceslas Square, Charles Bridge, Hussites, the astronomical clock, St Martins-in-the-wall, Muchas, Terezin, communism, Prague Spring, pilsner beer, and bohemian crystals. and the museum of sex machines.  I want to complain about the food, the bell tower directly outside my hotel room, and the fact that the National Museum closed six months ago...for a five-year restoration.

And I'm sure I will say all that, but first I have to recant something I said years ago:

I said people travel primarily just to say they've been somewhere.

At the time, I could not think of any reason people spent so much money and endured all that hassle to go someplace they could learn more about by reading books (or now on the Internet).

But now I realise that travel does more than inform, it forces you to confront your assumptions, cultural bias, experience, and history.  It is a prism to re-evaluate your beliefs, and to let go of some stereotypes. It is a bridge to peace.

Growing up in the States, I never imagined I'd ever visit eastern Europe. When the Berlin Wall fell, I was just as surprised as the US President.  Coming to Prague, though, was such a revelation.  I expected to find grey skies, grey houses, grey food, and grey people, all in a listless shuffle. I didn't expect to find exquisite architecture from the 12th to the 19th century, squares filled with Christmas trees, and warm people who spoke excellent english. I also didn't expect to find a serious graffiti problem.

But more than that, what I didn't expect was to challenge all of my Western norms.  But to understand that, I've got to cover the history of Prague...

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