Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day of atonement

Today is Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, when you are to 'afflict' yourself by not eating or drinking, bathing or anointing, or wearing leather. More importantly, you are to recognize the wrongs you've created over the past year, and try to make them right. And lastly, many Jews spend the entire day in synagogue, some praying, some just socializing, most just being in the company of people as miserable as themselves. If you can imagine a room full of people who haven't showered or eaten in 24 hours, some would say that was atonement enough.

Looking back over the past 12 months, I have wronged some of the women I've dated, usually by ending the conversation without any explanation. I've often ignored the Sabbath, even though it was one of the most compelling reasons for converting.

But what I'm really sorry for is neglecting my mom, my whole family, and all of my friends. This is what I need to atone for.

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