Friday, May 6, 2016

A new toy

Yes, it's a Mac.

Now, before you accuse me of selling my soul (which I'd have to do to afford a new MacBook Pro) let me hasten to note it belongs to the company.

When I moved to NZ, I bought a $200 laptop primarily for updating my blog, which of course hadn't seen much action. I knew it was woefully underpowered for a work laptop, but since almost everything we were doing was in the 'cloud' I thought it wouldn't matter how much horsepower the laptop had.  So when I joined the company and they asked if I wanted a new computer, I said no, my laptop would be fine.

Needless to say, it wasn't fine. Although the systems were in the cloud, I'd often have 15 windows open trying to manage them, plus video conferencing or listening to music.  The laptop would regularly grind to a halt and I'd have to spend half an hour just shutting everything down and rebooting so I could continue to work!

A couple of times this occurred while I was talking to my boss, and he told me in no uncertain terms to get a new computer.  For some reason I felt bad about this, like it was a failure on my part, and besides I had no idea what the budget was and I didn't want to look greedy.  After going back and forth several times, I finally decided to go all-out and get a 27" Mac All-in-one.  My boss sent me this 13" MacBook Pro instead.

Which is fine.  I already bought an adapter so I can use my external monitor and I will probably get an external keyboard (when the %#*& is keyboardio going to ship?!) and mouse, so at least I won't get carpal tunnel, but I definitely need new glasses (or new eyeballs).  And for all the terrible things I've said about Apple over the years, I have to admit this thing is fast, and so far a pleasure to use.  But tomorrow I will start using it for work, so I'll reserve final judgment until then.

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