Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Personality test

I just took a personality test, which read:

Your core motivation is peace, an absence of inner conflict, and an acceptance of oneself and others. You have a strong and compelling need to keep things in balance in your life so as to maintain an internal feeling of tranquility and comfort. You seek independence and require kindness, especially from those with whom you are in a relationship. You resist confrontation at all costs. (To you, feeling good internally is even more important than being good.) You are quiet by nature, process things very deeply and objectively with great clarity. You respect people who are direct but you recoil from perceived hostility or verbal battle. You need your "alone time" and refuse to be controlled by others; you want to do things their own way and in their own time. You ask little of others and resent others demanding much of you. You are probably much stronger than people think, but are not often seen for your strength because you don't easily reveal your feelings.

I'm not sure about "You ask little of others" -- I'm sure there are many people who would disagree! -- but otherwise it seemed spot on.  I also don't like the implication of, "You resist confrontation at all costs."  I do tend to avoid confrontation, but that is because I don't find it is the most effective method to get your way, but I certainly have had my share of confrontations.

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