Saturday, February 1, 2014

Trip photos

Picassa used to be brilliant about sharing photos, and I could embed photos directly in a blog post.  Unfortunately, as part of Google's inevitable corporate march towards "evil," they revamped it to force people to go to Google+.  In their mind, the few people who had not signed up to Facebook were really holding out for something much more complicated.  Unfortunately they forgot about the few of us (about 85% of the planet) who did not *want* to be on Facebook. As a result, in addition to making it much more complicated to upload and manage my photos, you have to click-through to actually see them.  But on the bright side, while you're on Google+ you can see my complete lack of status updates, my dismal participation in any forums, my empty profile, and a few other things that only people actively stalking me might be interested in.  Enjoy.
New Zealand

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