Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I've written about Eurovision before (twice, actually) but when I stumbled upon this video of all the Eurovision winners since 1956, I had to share.  It's 35 minutes long, but highlights are 1969 (7:13), 1974 (11:25), 1981 (15:35), 1988 (19:40) and 2006 (30:27)

It's also interesting to note, after discussing English in my last post, that 13 of the past 15 winners -- Sweden in 1999, Denmark in 2000, Estonia in 2001, Latvia in 2002, Turkey in 2003, Greece in 2005, Finland in 2006, Russia in 2008, Norway in 2009, Germany in 2010, Azerbaijan in 2011, Sweden in 2012, and Denmark in 2013 -- were all sung in *English*!  (Actually 18 of the last 22 were sung in English, but since 4 of those were Ireland, one was the UK, and one was an instrumental, it seemed unfair to count them.)

I enjoyed the earlier songs -- things seemed to go downhill after 1969 -- but I also enjoyed 1994, 1995 and 1996 (starting at 23:24).

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