Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Eurovision 2014

It's May so that can only mean one thing: Eurovision. Denmark won last year, so it's in Copenhagen this year. The pageant of the bizarre may be topping itself this year

Here's a great American country song...from the Netherlands.

Russia took a break from invading other countries to submit conjoined twins who are joined at (Seriously, 45 seconds in.)

Iceland has submitted a song about tolerance, which is interesting given that the country is so homogeneous, they have an app to help you avoid sleeping with a close relative!

And...well, I don't know what to make of this, other than it's Eurovision.

Of course, if I were a betting man, I'd put my money on Ireland.  Not because their song is catchy (it's not) or the singer is attractive (she's not) but simply because Ireland has won Eurovision more than any other country.

And I'd also bet the UK comes away with nil points again because, well, we suck.  We really suck.

The Eurovision contest is enough to make you despair of the international music scene until you realise the international music scene is flourishing...and Eurovision has always sucked.

On a personal note, a friend just introduced me to some African music: "Talking Timbuktu" by Ry Cooder & Ali Farka Touré, "Mouneïssa" by Rokia Traoré and "New Ancient Strings" by Toumani Diabaté & Ballake Sissoko.  All amazing albums, well worth a listen.

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