Sunday, May 25, 2014

Just a bum

It's been a while since I was homeless.  There was a time in my life I was homeless almost every other week, it seemed.  Of course, I was "posh homeless," staying in hotels rather than sleeping on the streets, but still "of no fixed abode."

After quitting my job last week, I've been (obviously) stressed about finding another job when a friend told me I should get rid of my apartment and go travelling for a couple of months.  At first I thought that was crazy, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense--when am I going to get another chunk of time like this?  And even though my last day with the company is not until mid-August, I'm at hotels more than I'm home nowadays, so it wouldn't actually be a big hardship to give up my apartment now and save some money. Actually the money I would save would practically cover the cost of my travels!

So the logistics make sense; now I just have to find the courage to commit.  I better move quickly; I have to tell the landlord by the end of this month if I will vacate end of next month.  Then I need to figure out where I'm going to store my stuff--and find someone with a car to help me move it!

Fortunately the flat came furnished so I don't need to move any furniture. I sold my fish tank recently, and my book collection is very small.  I bought my crockery when I was 19 and, while it does have sentimental value, it may be time to let it go.  I will give away my houseplants, sell my bicycle and put some stuff back in my mom's garage. Actually the only thing I'm worried about is the painting I bought last year, but I'm sure I can find someone to babysit it.

Of course my first stop will be California to see friends and family. My last visit in November was far too short, so I'm looking forward to a leisurely couple of weeks.

Then I'm footloose and fancy free. I will return to the UK when they approve my citizenship application, which could be any time between now and the end of November. Then I will have to start acting like a responsible adult again.

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