Monday, October 20, 2014

Six weeks

I've been in New Zealand for six weeks now, maybe more. Excluding my 11-month job search in 2008, I've never been on vacation for this long. I'm talking about buying a second-hand bicycle, and a kayak! I hate the water, but I want a kayak. Go figure.

I spoke with immigration last week and they said I could stay nine months without a job; I just need to submit a form and pay a fee. (Obviously I can't afford to be without a job for nine months, but it's nice to know I have the option.)

The kids are very confused, of course--my first visit was just a few days, my second visit was two weeks, and this seems open-ended. They have been asking when I'll be leaving and I keep giving them vague and unsatisfying answers, such as "I don't have an end date scheduled yet." Yesterday one asked why I was keeping it a secret--I assured her that as soon as I knew, I'd tell her straight away. I'm not sure that appeased her much.

Fortunately they are asking because they don't want me to go. Tonight the newly-minted twelve-year-old said it would be strange not having me around. It almost moved me to tears.

Earlier that day she also told her siblings to do what I said, because otherwise I might get mad and she didn't want me to get mad! What I wanted was for them to get out of the car, where they were staging a protest against walking to the Dewali festival, about half a mile away along the waterfront. We did finally go and the kids (of course) had a great time. The 12-year-old who is famous for not wanting new foods not only tried--but loved--masala dosa and vegetable biryani! (Then she drank all of my mango lassi, which I was less impressed with.)

Unfortunately we were having so much fun I completely forgot I'd arranged for the kids to play tennis with their uncle in the afternoon! (Thankfully he wasn't upset, but he did get me to agree to help remove his old TV, which weighs a ton.)

In the evening we chased each other around the playing field with nerf guns, completely ignoring a perfect sunset. Then we tucked into a vegetarian shepherd's pie, finished with cake and ice cream. I read to the kids from a book called "Captain Underpants" and they were all asleep by 9.

Meanwhile their mom had been cooking, doing laundry, cleaning up, ensuring the kids were ready for school the next day, following up on homework, and a host of things I'm not even aware of. Of course the kids want me to stay--when does their mom have time to play with them?

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