Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Falling apart

The last week, when everything should be coming together, it's all falling apart.
  • After the incident with the bath valves, the plumber has been there for three days trying to sort everything out, and I don't even know what he's charging me.
  • In the cloakroom, the cabinet doors originally were so big, they couldn't open. So we told the builder to cut the doors in half and fix the sides, but he cut the doors down by a third and made them swing from the wrong side. So we told the builder to switch them around, so he moved one pane into the middle, and made the doors swing the same way. In other words, it's a complete mess.
  • The vent from the dryer has to go behind the dryer and into the ceiling. That wouldn't be a problem, but it pushes the dryer 2cm from the wall, making it (and the washer) stick out past the cabinet we built, making it impossible to hang the blind in front of it, which we haven't been able to find.
  • Speaking of which, the plumber is not happy that the gas dryer vents near the boiler intake.
  • The kitchen window is not supporting the brick facade, which has sagged onto it, and everyone is pointing fingers at one another. (We're also worried the same thing will happen over the french doors.)
  • When we hired the electrician, we told him we don't want any spotlights. Last week I told him to install 6; tomorrow I have to tell him to install 5 more, just because we haven't been able to find any lights we like. I've also installed two of the old chandeliers, even though we hate them.
  • Ikea still has no idea when they will have our cabinet doors in, so we're "going live" missing 7 cabinet doors. In addition, we have a 13cm gap that I have no idea how we're going to deal with.
  • For reasons beyond me, the builders cut off one corner of the worktop. It's not a big deal, and it will hardly be noticeable, but it's just one more small irritant, made worse because we don't understand why they did it, and they don't speak English so we can't find out!

The bottom line, though, is that barring any catastrophe, the house will be ready to move in on Thursday, with a few minor fixes to be made later. And in the end, that's exactly what we wanted.

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