Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monster Raving Loony Party

One of the advantages of having a small island nation populated by people with a wry sense of humor is that you can have national jokes.  For instance, on the last census, 11% of the popualtion put down their religion as "Jedi." 

So it should not come as much surprise that the UK political scene includes, in addition to the Conservatives, Labour, and Liberal Democrats, the Monster Raving Loony Party.  What is surprising is that it was esablished in 1963, and will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2 years.

A few items on their manifesto:
  • To combat global warming all buildings should be fitted with air conditioning units on the outside.
  • To avoid the trauma of needles, vaccinations should be administered by tranquillizer rifles. This would be less scary for the children as they will not know what hit them, and also more fun for the nurses.
  • All politicians be made to swear a "hypocritic oath", requiring them to stand by their policies, or or at least admit when they were wrong.
  • McDonald's should provide all prison catering.  Estimates suggest a 50% reduction in crime rates within 2 years with 0% re-offenders.
  • Ban all terrorists from having beards.
  • All socks to be sold in packs of 3 as a precaution against losing one.
  • All wire coathangers should be systematically hung, drawn and unravelled.
  • Make gardening an Olympic sport.
  • Rename the Isle of Man to "The Isle of Men, Women, Children and some Animals" as not just men live there.  Similarly, The Isle of Wight should be changed to: "The Isle of Mixed Races, and Cultures Located off the Coast of Britain."
  • All news programs will be required to include at least one interesting fact, in the hope of broadening people's knowledge.
  • All pavements should be heated so it is possible to walk bare foot in the winter.
  • The English symbol of three lions be changed to 3 badgers. How often do you see lions running round the countryside? We should be proud of the lack of wild and interesting species on our fair isle.
  • The Channel Tunnel shall be declared a No Fly Zone.
  • Paper cuts should be banned.
  • Poets will have to apply for a 'poetic license.'
  • A government agency will be set up to paint contour lines on hills and color roads the same as on maps.
  • Bicycle lanes will be replaced with pogo stick lanes.
  • All new homes should be built with a swimming pool and bouncy castle as standard. 
  • For new homeowners, the last '0' should be removed from the price.
  • Chocolate should be available as a prescription drug.
  • We shall replace the three color traffic lights with a much larger spectrum.
  • Everyone in England should be required to buy one hundred square meters of land in France. The English would then own France, saving a lot of arguments. We should then rent the land back to the French and start on Germany.
  • Cricket will be made more interesting by elliminating the use of padding (and possibly Cricket Bats)
The MRLP generally gets about 1% of the vote and a disproportionate amount of media coverage.

(Thanks to Jess for suggesting this.)

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