Tuesday, April 26, 2011


We didn't set out to create tranquility, but given our personalities, it's probably not surprising that we did.

We moved in two days early.  Or the builders went on holiday two days too soon.  Either way, when we moved in on Thursday, there was a laundry list of items unfinished: Painting, kitchen cabinets, cloakroom cabinets, carpet, cooker hood, etc.  The electricians were here all day Thursday; the plumber all day on Friday.  The dustman -- that's garbageman to you -- arrived early Thursday morning but solemnly informed me it was "rubble day" and so couldn't take any of the waste except bricks and dirt.  I thought he was kidding, but he wasn't.  The movers were a gem, although they didn't get to the storage unit -- where all of my stuff was -- because Jess' stuff filled the entire truck.  I literally moved in with a clothes rail and a suitcase.

it was chaotic, as any move is, and even though i've been living with Jess for the past six months, I was amazed to see what came out of that truck.  I don't know where she hid it all in a one bed flat, but it filled a three bed house!  And we didn't move any furniture, save a sofa and a bed!  Of course, the previous owners had left all their furniture, so we had tables and chairs, plus the black leather sofas.  We thought leaving them sit outside for a month would get rid of the cigarette smell, but we were wrong.

Thursday was also Jessica's birthday, so the family went out for dinner, and that evening we came home and climbed into bed, and it was just unbelievably quiet and peaceful.  The house is lovely -- even unfinished -- and so comfortable.  The u-shaped kitchen is so bright and open, with a lovely view of the backyard, it is just a joy to cook, and Jess and I can both be in there without being underfoot.  The living room is also a pleasure to sit in, to chat with people or just curl up on the sofa in the sun.  And the cloakroom slash utility room, for all that we stressed over it, is absolutely perfect.

But the piece de resistance is the upstairs bath.  With granite floor tiles, light grey shower tiles, and a dark drey cabinets, I couldn't see how it would come together, but it did so beautifully.  The floating sink is classy, the folding shower screen doesn't block the large window, and the water pressure is heavenly.  Having dealt with closet-sized bathrooms for the past three years, this feels spacious and luxurious, and we haven't even put in the mirrors yet!

My only complaint, in fact, is that the electrician hasn't hooked up the telephone junction box yet, which means that -- although I've been paying for phone and Internet access for the past two months -- I haven't been able to use them!  That should be rectified on Wednesday.

Despite spending the entire four-day weekend trying to get settled, we still haven't opened half the boxes, and our gardening efforts are patchy, to say the least.  (I did get the shed somewhat organised, so at least our bikes are put away.)  Fortunately we have another four-day weekend next week, although one day will be spent at street parties for the Royal Wedding -- another English tradition.

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