Thursday, August 11, 2011

Edinburgh Fringe Festival

I mentioned the fringe last year, and the numbers are even bigger this year: over 40,000 performances of over 2,500 shows over three weeks in Edinburgh!  It's absolutely overwhelming, and as you can imagine from an unjuried festival, there's quite a bit of crap.  So I took some time last night to organise my notes and read some reviews and put together a "schedule" for this weekend.  Of course, I'm meeting some friends and they have kids and the shows are all over town and at some point I'll want to eat and three of the shows are sold out but I may be able to get tickets.  There were four shows I wanted to see enough to buy tickets in advance; the rest I'll play by here. (Technically it was five tickets, but that's because they have a one-hour magic show, and then a second hour revealing how they did the magic.) Anyway, here's the rundown:

Arrive train station 6:22pm; check in to hotel; collect tickets
8-9:10pm camille o'sullivan or What Remains
10:15pm Barry & Stuart: Show & Tell - The Show
12am Barry and Stuart - Show & Tell: The Tell

10am Visit the National Museum of Scotland, Mirazozo (a collection of inflatable shapes you can walk through)
4:30pm Casablanca: The Gin Joint Cut
7pm-9pm Dinner? (if not, see josie long or smutty songs)
9pm The Pajama Men: In the Middle of No One
10:30pm Dead Cat Bounce

Bubblewrap and boxes (10:45) or Pop-Up! (11am)
Amazing bubble show (12.05–12.50pm)
Just a minute (1:30pm)
Comedy for kids (2:30)
4-5:10pm Potted Potter
Josie long or smutty songs (7-8pm)
9pm military tattoo? (If not, idiots of ants at 8:30-9:30)
Rich hall (9:40)
Early night--train at 6am!

It's going to be a great weekend. :-)

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