Sunday, August 14, 2011

Queue, queue, and queue some more

I don't have any statistics, surprisingly enough, bit I'm sure the population of Edinburgh trebles during August--which is  surprising since most European cities empty out at this time, when everyone goes on holiday.

Not surprisingly, then, there are queues for everything-at the shows, the bars, the cafes, the toilets. Sometimes you have to queue to get into a queue!

But its all handled in good spirits-literally. This being Scotland, with the highest per capita consumption of alcohol in Europe, you're never more than a few steps from a bar. It's not illegal to drink in public, and long about 1am, every vestibule is taken up by someone sitting on the pavement, surrounded by a few well-meaning friends asking if they're okay and offering to get them a cab. Ah, the joys of alcohol poisoning.

I guess that's the best way to handle large crowds. Maybe I should try it.

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