Saturday, August 6, 2011

Paris photos

I just uploaded way too many photos of my mom in Paris.  Mostly I did it because I finally have broadband again!

It's been a tortuous time, between moving, then deciding which service to go with, then getting someone out to hook me up.  The Internet is a class C drug*.  Fortunately, I haven't gone cold turkey -- both my phone and my laptop can access the Internet over 3g, but it's rather slow and can be quite expensive, so I've been metering my usage (ie not uploading large photos).  Now I have a 10Mbps connection and unlimited data, and I'm taking full advantage!

I opted not to get a landline this time, and rely strictly on my Skype phone.  I also didn't get cable TV, but decided to get a DVD player.  However, I found it was cheaper to buy a used Playstation 3 off eBay, which has a built-in Blu-Ray DVD player!  So I also bought a used copy of Grand Theft Auto IV, and at 6:30am this morning I was lobbing hand grenades at my brother in California.  Technology is amazing.

So my flat is almost there; the only thing missing is wall art and maybe a few more houseplants.  (I did have a minor setback in the bathroom -- the new toilet seat came loose, so I have to get another one. Of course, the guy installing the broadband, who was only here for 5 minutes, asked to use the loo, and I had to explain the toilet seat was broken. That was embarrassing!)  I also need to pick up some Judaica items next time I'm in London.)

* In the UK, illicit drugs are categorized as class A, B, or C, depening on the harm done.  So cocaine is class A; amphetamines are class B, and ketamine (a horse tranquilizer) is class C. (Marijuana is class B despite repeated attempts to move it to Class C, and last week there was discussion about making ketamine class B after it was found to be the fastest growing 'party drug' amongst 16-24 year olds.)

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