Saturday, February 18, 2012

At 32

At 32, I had just started working for American Honda, making great money, working with a fantastic team, cycling into work, had lots of responsibility, and for perhaps the first time in my life really loved my job.

At 32, I accidentally became vegetarian.

At 32, I had been in a relationship for over 10 years, and was quite sure it would last forever.

At 32, I'd been living in the same house for 6 years, longer than I'd lived anywhere in my life.

At 32, I was just beginning to plan the bed and breakfast, which would eventually cost me my savings, my home, and my relationship.

At 32, I'd never lived outside of Los Angeles, and had only been out of the country twice -- a European trip when I was 19, and a trip to the Canary Islands 10 years later.

At 32, I never wanted to have children.

At 32, I didn't know how much I could love someone.

At 32, I had a great life, but I hadn't really lived.

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