Monday, February 20, 2012

Verbal diarrhoea

(And yes, that's the British spelling.)

I know I suffer from this nervous condition, as I tend to fill up all available silence with my own voice, generally talking shite.  I think this has become worse as I've been living alone and working from home, as I don't get to socialize as often, and so the little part of my brain that filters what I say (which has always been a little wonky) is now completely broken.  However, tonight I went so far over the line, even I was aghast.  On a first date with a girl from the Czech republic, I asked why Hitler wanted to kill the Slavs.

To her credit, she actually answered the question.  She wasn't sure what Hitler had against Slavs, other than they weren't Aryan, but she did tell me that many blond-haired blue-eyed children were taken from their parents and given to German parents to raise.  I had no idea.

Otherwise, the date went fine.

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