Thursday, April 5, 2012

And then there were 9...

A quick rundown: Of the 732 "matches" delivered over the past 6 months, I've probably talked to 50 women and gone on 20 first dates, which proceeded to 8 second dates, five kisses, and one 3-month relationship.  Since January:

  • Ellie, the artist, dumped me after the first date.
  • Karen tried to dump me before we met, then seemed interested after the first date, then dumped me before the second date.
  • Rachel, we were talking when she posted a new photo of herself which was so horrific, I never spoke to her again. :-(
  • Kishani, from Sri Lanka, called me twice a day and spent most of the time yelling at me for not calling her.  Eventually, I asked her to stop calling me.
  • Sarah, I was planning on asking out when she texted me to say she was drinking wine at her hairdressers.  I never contacted her again.
  • Rachael of London, who decided that because I hadn't confirmed the date the day before, she'd go to the gym instead, leaving me wandering the National Museum alone.  (I had a great time, and I never contacted her again.)
  • Suzanne, who clearly had a tough life, worked unsociable hours, and we could never find a mutual time to meet. After the third attempt, I gave up.
  • Lisa from Plymouth, met me twice, kissed me once, dumped me, then suggested we meet for breakfast, and invited all her friends as well.  I was just left confused. 
  • Helena, the wheat-free vegetarian who inspired me, went on three dates before she sent me an email saying she wasn't interested.  (I was a little relieved--she reminded me of my niece, and dating her freaked me out a little.)
  • Rachael of Oxford, exceptionally cute, reformed Essex girl, but too...American.  I dumped her.
  • Lexin, Chinese-born and living in Wales, who came all the way to Manchester for a date (she thought it was an hour away, which explains why she was an hour and a half late...)  She spent the entire time complaining about her job, and at the end I told her I wasn't interested in a second date.
  • Jana, from the Czech Republic, was very cute but very shy.  We had one date and she went back to Czech for a month.  We had a second date scheduled but the day before--literally the same minute-- I sent her an email with a couple of restaurant options, and she sent me a text cancelling the date.
  • Sarah, redhead, we started a conversation then she went to the States for a month.  Not sure what (if anything) is going on.
  • Amana, British-born Indian, absolutely gorgeous, incredibly friendly, can't fault a single thing...which worries me.
  • Gayle, Scottish girl, very sweet but no spark.  I really like her, just can't see a relationship forming.
  • Aneta, Polish girl, very attractive but appears to be extremely possessive and demanding.  After three dates, not sure it will go anywhere.
  • Ursula, another Polish girl, extremely cute, vivacious, and lives in Reading (!) but seems a bit unstable. She did not make it to the second date, and doesn't seem interested in rescheduling.
  • Florence, typical English girl, won't discuss anything of any importance, probably will not progress to first date.
  • Emily, Chinese girl, terrible English, can't see a first date.
  • Hilary, very cute, obviously bright, hopefully will progress to first date.
  • Becca, I started talking to back in January, but then got overwhelmed and just stopped talking to everyone.  Very rude, I know, but she's still on and she lives in Manchester, so I'm thinking about contacting her again and seeing if she wants to meet.  (It doesn't hurt that shhe's uploaded a much nicer photo...)

More importantly, two months ago I was trying to talk to 40 women, which was overwhelming.  I've whittled it down (my choice or otherwise) to a much-more-manageable half a dozen or so.  Unfortunately, I honestly don't see any of those going the distance. :-(

Which just means I'm going to open the floodgates again...

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