Friday, April 6, 2012


Easter is a four-day weekend in the UK, but you wouldn't know it from my schedule:

Tonight I'm going on a date in London.
Friday I have to go to Southampton for Passover.
Saturday I have to be in Kent at 10am (this is a 3 hour drive from my house!) then be in Maidenhead for *another* Passover meal.
Sunday I am helping a friend in London move stuff into storage, and trying to go to an art exhibit.
Monday I have a friend visiting me in Reading.
Tuesday/Wednesday I'm back in Manchester; Wednesday night I have a date in London.
Thursday I have a date in Oxford.
Friday I am packing, because Saturday I'm flying to Atlanta for 5 days, then driving to South Carolina for 4 days, then driving back to Atlanta.
I have two days at home, then I am flying to Amsterdam for 3 days.
From Amsterdam I fly to Manchester for 2 days, and get the train back to London.
Thursday I have a night off, but Friday I have security duty at my synagogue.
Then I have a 3-day weekend which I don't have any plans for...yet.

This means I have about 3 days to myself over the next 5 weeks.  Which explains why, after a date dumped me and left last night open, I immediately booked a ticket to see the Monty Python play, "Spamalot."  (It was well worth it.)

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