Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Israel itinerary

I worked on my itinerary for Israel:

Fly from Luton to Tel Aviv on Saturday 10/08, arriving 7:30pm
Rent a car, drive to Mitspe Ramon (2 hours)
Stay at youth hostel for 2 nights
Sun/Mon: Explore the Ein Avdat and Ramon Crater; watch meteors in the evening
Tue: Drive to Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee (4 hours)
Wed/Thu/Fri explore Galilee/Golan Heights (1 hour drive everywhere)
Sat drive to Tel Aviv (90 minutes) via Nazareth
Return car, airport by 6pm
Return to Luton at 11:45pm
Estimated cost:
Flight; £396
Car £136 + £21 insurance
Youth hostel  £104 for 2 nights B&B
Hotel in Tiberias: £200 for 4 nights
Petrol: £150
Meals: £200
Airport parking: £26
Total: £1,226

(I will see if I can get that under £1,000.  I love meteors, but this is kind of excessive.)

You might notice two things:
1) I will be there for 7 nights, but only have a hotel for 6.  The youth hostel is not available on the 12th, and in any case I hope to be out all night watching meteors, so in the morning I'll just sleep in the car and then drive to Galilee.  I'll be on my own so I can do stupid things like this.
2) I'm avoiding the coastal cities.  That's because I've been reliably informed that in August, the heat and humidity will be awful!  The desert at least will be dry, and Galilee should be slightly cooler.

Unfortunately, this also cuts across two other trips I had booked: The Bristol balloon fiesta, and the Edinburgh fringe.  I don't mind missing the balloon fiesta, but I will try to reschedule Edinburgh.  Then my mother will either be visiting end of August or mid-September.  (The High Holy Days are in early September this year, and I'm assuming my mother doesn't want to visit while I'm fasting and being miserable.)

I'm quite excited, and will put in my leave request tomorrow...

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