Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I know I schedule way too much, but I can't help it--there's too much I want to do, and never enough time.  So here's what I've got going on for the next four months. 

8 Dress Rehearsal for Queen's birthday parade (I couldn't get tickets for the actual parade)
9 Comedy Store Players, Regents Park
12 Moody Blues in Manchester
15-16 Up north (Peaks district?)
20-25 in London (babysitting a hotel)
24 Steve Winwood (will have to miss this one :-( )
29 Mindy Smith in Leeds
30 Chagall exhibit in Liverpool?

6-7 Bournemouth? (Mary Rose in Southampton)
12-15 Manchester Intl Festival
19 Uncle George yarzheit (provide kiddush)
21 Folk by the Oak
27 Cirque du Soleil
28 Village Pump festival (may pass--too expensive--but Kate Rusby is playing!)

3-4 Up north (Blackpool?)
10-17 Israel
23-26 Edinburgh Fringe festival
27-3 Sep My mom visiting?

4-5 Rosh Hashanah
13-14 Yom Kippur
15 Thames festival
21-22 Up north (Ironbridge?)

In fact, over the next four months, I will be at home for 35 days and away from home for 84 days!!

The sad thing is I've only got three "free" weekends up north.  In addition to the Peaks District, Blackpool and Ironbridge, I still want to spend more time in the Yorkshire Dales, visit the Lake District again, go back to the Wirral while it was sunny, take a ferry from Holyhead to Dublin, visit northern Wales in the summer, etc.  However, all good things must come to an end, and I am hopeful that by October* I will have a new job and will no longer be travelling. :-)

* My company has a *3 month* notice period, which means I need to have a firm job offer by the end of June in order to leave by the end of September!

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