Monday, June 3, 2013

Israel in August

I've been talking about going back to Israel ever since I first went, four years ago.  I finally decided it was going to be this year; the only question was when.

This weekend I was cleaning house and found a note that Jess had made, suggesting we go to Israel to see the Perseid meteor shower.

It was a brilliant suggestion then, and still is today.  It's just a shame I'll be going on my own.

The Perseids peak Monday 12 August, and of course August is the hottest month, with average temperatures of 30C (86F) so I'm not sure I'll want to spend too much time in the desert.  Fortunately, the north of Israel is quite quite green (or at least it was before they had those devastating wildfires a few years ago) so I've plotted a circular route into Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, go into the desert to see the meteors, then past Massada and the Dead Sea into Galilee and the Golan Heights, and finally back to Tel Aviv.

Israel is so small, all of that will take about 10 hours to drive.

Of course, that also takes me straight through the West Bank and puts me on the border with Syria, so maybe I should rethink this...

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