Sunday, August 18, 2013

Israel photos

I took 471 photos, but you'll be happy to know I only posted 80.  Sadly, what I wanted the most--a meteor--I didn't get. You'll be forgiven if you think I've recycled my Grand Canyon photos, but that really is Makhtesh Ramon (and a few of Makhtesth HaGadol). I then drove past the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee to Tzfat, Hula Valley, the Banias nature preserve (check out the Syrian Rock Hyrax!) and Nazareth.  (I arrived at the airport early, so made an unscheduled stop at Jaffa to dip my toes into the Mediterranean.)

Overall, it was an amazing trip, but I would expect nothing less from Israel.  I've already thought about going back in Spring 2015 to see the desert wildflowers and migrating birds.

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