Thursday, August 1, 2013

It's that time again

The Edinburgh Fringe Festival opens this weekend, with 2,500 performances at 250 venues over 30 days! The festival guide looks like a telephone book. It's manic, it's a buzz, and it's really a cheap weekend.  I'm taking the train, staying three nights in the university dorm, and seeing 5 shows for less than £260!  Plus I'm telling the company I'm commuting home, so they will contribute about £100, and I've got a list of 10 shows that are free and recommended!

I'm seeing the Pajama Men and Victoria Melody, both of whom I adore.  I discovered Victoria Melody by accident last year, when I had a date in north London and the only thing to do was see this one-woman show about pigeon fanciers in a deconsecrated church.  I had no idea what to expect, and she was brilliant! This year she brought out another show which I'll let her describe:

Victoria unknowingly discovered that her dog had prize winning potential at a charity dog show. She seized this opportunity to access the sub culture of this extraordinarily exclusive members only club. Major Tom's first show was a disaster, feeling an overpowering sense of guilt about her dog being criticised. Victoria decided to put herself through the same process by becoming a beauty queen. Major Tom and Victoria increasingly immerse themselves into the obsessive and confusing realm of personal scrutiny as they participate as genuine contestants and aim to win. This project will follow their story. It will reflect on the British fascination with celebrities, beauty, and winning.

(You can also watch a 3-minute video here.)

As you can imagine with a program that has microseconds to grab your attention, some of the titles are quite interesting. Some of my favorites:

Eat a Queer Foetus 4 Jesus
Friends Without Benefits
Do We Need You After the Apocalypse?
A Comprehensive History of the Roman Empire in one hour--with jokes
The Colour Ham
Brandon Burns Hasn't Heard Of You Either
Austentatious: An Improvised Jane Austen Novel
Angela Jolie Touched My Neighbour's Goat
Synagogue Slut
Cheese and Crack Whores

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