Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Imagine the post office selling insurance.

Imagine changing the quarter to a fifth (20 cents), the nickel as small as a dime, and the dime as big as a quarter.

Imagine all laundry detergents being labeled "bio" or "non-bio" (with no explanation of what that meant).

Imagine your checking account being called a "current account."

Imagine toothpaste only available as a paste.

Imagine "chips" being fries, chips being "crisps," and cookies being "biscuits" (sweet or digestive).

Imagine muffins being hard and dense.

Imagine having only five television stations, and having to pay an annual "license" to own a TV.

Imagine adding letters to words for no reason, such as "programme" and "manoeuvring."

Imagine cars no bigger than scooters, and scooters that look like cars.

Imagine driving on the right, but parking on either side, regardless of oncoming traffic.

Imagine double-yellow lines painted along the curb.

Imagine parks with fences and keyed entrances.

Imagine paying more to eat in rather than take out.

Imagine being in Britain.

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