Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Trials and tribulations

Yesterday started with a letter from my uncle that ended, "May you have a fruitless and despairing day fraught with the fallout of dismal failure." (He also said, "Up your giggy with a meat hook, sonny" but I'm not sure what that means.) How do you not love a guy like that?

I mentioned my new cell phone provider offered cheap international calls, but had a dead spot right at my hotel. Two doors down in either direction and I had great reception, but nothing at all in my room. Since the hotel wasn't likely to move, I went and got a second sim card, which has great reception plus cheaper local calls. So now I have one phone number for local calls, another for long distance, and a third for voip. (I also have a sim card for mobile broadband, which has its own number.) How I'm going to keep track of all this, I have no idea, but I'm sure I'll screw up and make a long distance call with the wrong sim card, which will cost me 37 times more!

My only other accomplishments yesterday were picking up my mail, applying for a bank account, and laundry. The bank will let me know within five days if they'll let me open an account. Now that I have a working cell phone, I can return calls for a couple of recruiters, so I hope today will be a little more productive.

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