Friday, May 30, 2008

You say tomato

At lunch today, I specifically asked for chips because I did not want fries...and of course I got fries. (I tried to get olives,but was pointedly told that was not a side.)

This morning I had a long conversation with the hotel owner about wi-fi, and every time he said "router" he pronounced it "rooter," which of course just made me picture the toilet snake. (Apparently that's a "jet" here.) After an hour of checking each room, I told him it would be very difficult to get a signal to all five floors, and since the hotel next door was already providing a free, unsecured signal to every room in his hotel, why bother? Of course, that kind of sucks for me, since I only get an intermittent signal in the basement, which was the whole point of me talking to him in the first place. (We also had a little dust-up over which was the "first" floor.)

Yesterday my computer said it was 17 degrees outside, which I mentally converted to about 50 Fahrenheit, and so I bundled up. Well, it's actually 63 degrees which, in England, is summer weather, so everyone else was out in shorts. Fortunately, I'm getting used to the staring.

Last night I went to see a movie film. Its ironic that I would go half-way across the world to see a Hollywood movie film, but it was that or open mic night at "The Troubadour," and I didn't think I could afford dinner. Then I found out the movie film cost £9 ($18)...

And lastly, I was browsing at the supermarket (a favourite pastime, since it's free) and saw Wensleydale cheese! I was so excited, I called my brother, who was the only person I knew that would get the Wallace and Gromit reference. He didn't. I am all alone in the world...

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Don't worry, I got the reference immediately to Wensleydale cheese. I love W&G. -Kathy