Sunday, May 6, 2012


Two weeks ago, I received an email from someone on eHarmony.  It's pretty rare someone contacts me, and most of those I hadn't been interested in, but I'd already seen her profile and had gone so far as to look up the travel distance between us -- over 2 hours -- before deciding not to contact her.

But as she contacted me, I had to respond, and a lively and interesting conversation ensued.  Meanwhile, I had been hoping to go see the bluebells -- as I do every year -- but they generally peak in April and between my travels to the States and Amsterdam, I'd been out of town every weekend in April!  However, on Thursday I learned that, because of the cold, wet spring here, the bluebells were quite late.

There are many bluebell woods throughout Britain, but the only one I knew of was the one Jess took me to, north of London.  This also happened to be about halfway between me and the woman on eHarmony.  I proposed we meet there, and she agreed.  Friday night I even got home early enough (10pm!) to call her and have a brief chat.

So I'm not sure why I suddenly got cold feet while I was sitting at the restaurant, waiting for her.  Perhaps it was because I hadn't met anyone knew in some time.  Perhaps it was because I was someplace I had last gone with Jess.  Perhaps it was just because I was exhausted from working 16-hour days and travelling all over.

Whatever the reason, it turned out to be completely unfounded.  She walked in and I was instantly infatuated.  She was bright and sparkly, with beautiful blue eyes, short dark hair, a slight build, and -- this is important -- lovely hands.  She was intelligent and clever, with a fascinating history and interesting insights.  We spent about four hours, between the restaurant and woods, and had an absolutely lovely time.

And the bluebells were perfect.

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