Thursday, May 24, 2012

The week that wouldn't end

I knew this was going to be hell week.

Over the past several months, as events came up I bought tickets to things I was interested in, so it was completely coincidental that I ended up with three events in London this week.  (And nothing for two weeks before and after.)  That would have been fine, of course, except that all four of my projects -- that have been running me ragged over the past month -- suddenly needed me to be travelling this week!!

Tuesday I had to be in Sheffield, Wednesday in Coventry, Thursday in Manchester, and Friday in Exeter!  All of these were 2-3 hours from my home.  Again, that would have been fine -- I would have just stayed in hotels -- except that now I needed to travel back to London each night to attend these events!

I did catch two breaks -- the trip to Coventry was changed to a trip to London, and I was able to stay at my friend's hotel Wednesday night.  However, on Monday -- the one day I was allowed to work from home -- I got a call at 10am asking me to be in London for a meeting at noon!

The worst day was Tuesday, when I had to leave before 6am, and got home after 10pm.  The meeting in Sheffield was scheduled to last 3 hours, but it ended up lasting 8 hours, and we didn't even break for lunch!!

Friday I would have happily spent the night in Exeter and explored the British coast during the glorious sunshine we've been experiencing, but even that was thwarted--I had been tasked with security detail for my local synagogue!

So my goal is to simply survive this week, and rest next week -- I have absolutely nothing planned, and no travel scheduled!  I suspect by this time next week, I'll be complaining about how bored I am. :-)

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